GILLES TOOLING ギルズツーリング タンデムレスキット M 1000 RR S 1000 R S 1000 RR M 1000 R BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW
納期状況をご確認ください商品概要【カラー】ブラック詳細説明GILLES.TOOLING style parts combine great appearance and style withutility.Alos this racing covers for the mounting points of pillion footpegs,mirrors or license plate bracket.The utility is always an important detail:racing covers protectopen mounting points against dirt and moisture.This kit contains the following components for the BMW S1000RR(year2019,type 0E21): 2x cover for holders of the passenger pegs.Thus,after disassembling the original passenger pegs,thecorresponding open mounting points can be concealed cleanly andvisually attractive.IN ADDITION,the covers for the pillion seat holders also work as anattachment for lashing straps.Thus,the motorcycle can be properly and securely attached duringtransport.注意点※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。適合車種M 1000 RR M 1000 RR 年式: 20- 備考: SM99S 1000 R S 1000 R 年式: 21- 備考: 2R99/2R99RS 1000 RR S 1000 RR 年式: 19-22 備考: 2R99/2R99R S 1000 RR 年式: 23- 備考: K66/67M 1000 R M 1000 R 年式: 23-