EAZI-GUARD イージーガード PPF FULL TANK PROTECTION GSX-S1000 GX SUZUKI スズキ カラー:グロスサーフェス (艶あり)
納期状況をご確認くださいカラー:グロスサーフェス (艶あり)はこちらカラー:マットサーフェス (艶なし)はこちら他の選択肢は下記となりますカラー:グロスサーフェス (艶あり)はこちらカラー:マットサーフェス (艶なし)はこちら※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。予めご了承ください。詳細説明Key BenefitsBuy your Suzuki GSX-S1000 GX Paint Protection Kit direct from themanufacturer.At Eazi-Grip Racing Products we only produce paint protection kitsfor motorbikes.All kits are scanned,designed and cut by our fully trainedstaff.We do not use template libraries and all our bespoke kits aretrademarked registered designs.・Specifically cut to size for a perfect fit・Manufactured from high quality clear polyurethane・Ultra thin,super tough Paint Protection Film (PPF)・Extremely pliant and conformable・Designed to protect your bike and virtually eliminate damage・Ideal for race and track bikes・Available in Gloss and Matte stylesPlease note,our Eazi-Grip? Paint Protection Kits are designedspecifically as a DIY’home installation,with sectional pieces thatallow for easy fitting with a gap between each section.It is also intended to be left on the bike and not removed.If it needs to be removed,please contact us first.【Gloss】A Clear Gloss Finish And Can Transform A Matte Paint Into A ColourEnhancing Glossy Appearance【Matte】Produces A Satin Sheen And Can Also Transform Glossy Paint Into ASleek Satin Finish【Disclaimer】Matching the sheen of most factory matte paints, our Eazi-GripMatte Paint Protection Film has been specifically designed toproduce a satin sheen and can also transform glossy paint into asleek satin finish.Eazi-Grip Matte Protection Film has an additional coating to thebase polyurethane that produces the satin sheen finish, and as aresult of this, it is slightly thicker and can be slightly lessmalleable than our standard gloss product. It is thereforeimportant to take this into consideration when fitting your kit andthe matte PPF works best under slight tension when installed.Due to the wide variety of paintwork finishes used by bikemanufacturers, we also recommend that a patch test be completedbefore ordering your matte Paint Protection Film Kit. This willensure that the satin finish provided matches your expectations.注意点※貼付け時に各部位ごとに1-2mm程度のクリアランスが発生します。これは貼付けを容易にするための仕様であり製造不良ではございません。※取扱説明書が付属する場合は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※画像には他の商品が含まれています。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。適合車種GSX-S1000 GX GSX-S1000 GX 年式: 24