商品名 | Thrustmaster 2960708 Usb Cockpit Panels |
JAN | 777785962686 |
型番 | |
重量 | 1157 |
梱包サイズ(L×W×H) | 33 × 20.1 × 6.4 |
商品仕様 | |
商品説明 | Pack of 2 multifunctional "USB Cockpit Panels", replicas of the U.S. Air Force F-16 MFD. (Multi-Function Display) Compatible with all flight simulation games (military or civil) supporting multi-USB. CD included with Plug & Play presets for "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" and "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004". (Your choice of 3 presets: Generic / Light Aviation / Airliner) 20 buttons + 4 switches per MFD = 48 programmable controls in total! Backlighting for buttons with adjustable intensity (via the software or manually). 2 programmable LEDs per MFD, to identify the MFD during programming. Multi-position, weighted, non-slip and detachable base. 2 Plexiglas windows per MFD to insert one of the 3 pre-printed cardboard layouts with presets for "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" (each cardboard layout corresponds to one of your choice of 3 presets: Generic / Light Aviation / Airliner). From the creator of the HOTAS Cougar and T.16000M joysticks! Compatible PC/USB: Windows XP, Vista 32bit, Vista 64bit, Windows 7 |
配送方法 | 当店の商品は他出品モールとの併売の為、在庫状況は常に変動がございます。ご注文受付後、欠品などによりお届けにお時間がかかる場合は別途ご連絡をさせていただきます。 |
残り 1 点 8343円
(83 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 2025.03.04〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)