Fabirc By The Yard Seersucker Jacquard Finish Polyester Viscose Spandex Space Dye Double Knit Fabric Heavy Duty Good For Jacket / Belted Knit Wrap
商品名Fabirc By The Yard Seersucker Jacquard Finish Polyester Viscose Spandex Space Dye Double Knit Fabric Heavy Duty Good For Jacket / Belted Knit Wrap Cardi With Hood ,Sofa Blanket Cloth DIY Fabric( 1Y 94%P 3% V 3% Sp )ブランド:cpqakb商品サイズ:Cut by the yard高さ:6.9 cm横幅:16.9 cm奥行:24.8 cm重量:4427 g商品番号:knitting fabricd色:Jacquard Charcol 1 Yard素材:Cotton