[輸入盤DVD]Night Shift: The Complete Series / The Night Shift: The Complete Series
こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDですがリージョン=ALLですので国内製DVDプレイヤーでも視聴可能です。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:TV Medical DramaTelevision発売日:2020/6/19ディスク枚数:11コメント:During the wee hours at San Antonio General, a trio of Army veteran doctors-PTSD-troubled loose cannon TC Callahan (Eoin Macken), medic turned shift head Topher Zia (Ken Leung), and closeted reservist Drew Alister (Brendan Fehr)-combine battlefield testing with their healing skills to keep their always-busy ER running till dawn. Medical dram