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★送料・関税無料★Pet Dreamland Hands Free Leash for Dog Walking - Medium to Large D

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商品説明 本商品は海外在庫商品となります。 ご注文後、海外倉庫より取り寄せ、国内検品後にお客様へ発送いたします。そのため納期に10〜18日ほどお時間をいただいております。 お時間に余裕をもってご注文ください。並行輸入品のため、商品のメーカー保証はありません。初期不良のみ対応させていただきます。税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当方で対応させていただいております。ご安心くださいませ。の高さ:幅:奥行のセンチは梱包サイズの目安となります。実際の商品サイズと差異がありますのでご注意ください。 商品カテゴリ SELECTSHOP sophia ペット用品 ハーネス・カラー ペット用品、生き物犬用品首輪、ハーネス、リードハーネスリード JANコード/ISBNコード 0655222619686 商品コード YS0000047639835418
商品名 Pet Dreamland Hands Free Leash for Dog Walking - Medium to Large Dogs (up to 150lbs) - Shock Absorbing Bungee Dog Leashes - Reflective Waist Dog Running Leash
ブランド名 hemker
商品コメント ? Hands-Free Walks: Walk your furry friend with the dog leash that goes around waist without any discomfort. The dog waist leash is designed specifically for one large dog.? Comfort and Safety First: The bungee leash design absorbs shocks and protects your pets neck from any strain, while the running dog leash hands-free design keeps your hands free for added safety.? Easy to Use: Our hands free leashes for dogs are easy to use and adjust, so you can have the perfect fit for you and your furry friend. The no pull dog leash has no complicated mechanisms, just simple and effective design.??? Active Owners Rejoice: Whether you love hiking, jogging, or just daily walks, our long bungee dog leash is perfect for you and your furry friend. The around waist dog leash is designed for outdoor activities, so you can enjoy them together.??? All Walks of Life: Whether youre taking a casual walk or going for a jog, our dog leads for walking are ideal for all types of walks. The dog walking belt is great for pet owners who enjoy outdoor adventures with their beloved pets.? Durable and Reliable: Our running belt dog leashes are made with high-quality materials, making them both durable and reliable. The dog hip leash is perfect for adventurous pet owners who want a leash they can count on.? Winter Fun: Take your pet with you on all your winter adventures with our no hands dog leash and skijoring belt. These leashes are perfect for pet owners who love winter sports and want to bring their furry friends along.? Weatherproof: No matter the weather, our dog jogging leashes are designed to withstand rain, snow, and mud. Your furry friend can enjoy walks in any weather with our weatherproof running leash for dogs.? Affordable: Our dog running belt leashes are both affordable and of the highest quality, so you dont have to sacrifice quality for cost. Invest in a dog leash waist belt you and your furry friend will love at an affordable price.?? 3 Year Warranty: With a 3 year warranty, you can trust that our dog belt leashes are built to last. Invest in a product you can rely on and enjoy hands-free walks with your furry friend for years to come!

残り 1 9156円

(92 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.02〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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