【商品名】Bug Racer Vehicle by Mattel 【商品説明】Get going with the Bug Racer Powered by ElecricketyObserve, learn and nurture your crickets in their habitat Four modes of play and the push of a button let the cricket take off and "drive" or race head-to-head with friendsPush button once for Cricket in Charge mode Press the button twice and try Drag Racing mode with a friend and his Bug Racer (sold separately)In AUTODRIVE mode the car drives automatically, without the need for a cr …↓↓続きは欄も是非ご覧ください↓ ※海外からのお取り寄せ商品の為、お届けまでに通常約2-3週間を頂戴しております。※本商品新品・未使用商品ではございますが、税関にて開封や国際輸送時にパッケージにスレや傷がまれにある場合がございます。商品に問題はございませんので予めご了承くださいませ。