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RAMXCION Advent Calendar 2023, 24 Days Natural Crystal Agate Stone Minerals

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商品名 RAMXCION Advent Calendar 2023, 24 Days Natural Crystal Agate Stone Minerals Fossils Advent Calendar Gemstone Crystals Christmas Calendar Enthusiasts Rock Collection Countdown Calendar Xmas Girls (#4)
商品コメント ??2023 ADVENT CALENDARS-24 CRYSTAL STONE & MINERALS & FOSSILIS24 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar Crystals Rock Gemstone Stone Minerals & Fossils Stunning Specimens from All Over the World, 24 Days Christmas Countdown Advent Calendar, Stunning specimens of Crystal rocks Gemstones Minerals & Fossils from around the world. 24 rocks, gems and minerals are the perfect way to inspire childrens enduring love of geology, explore the world and teach them to understand these fossils, rocks or crystals Close to the EARTH.??CHRISTMAS ADVENT CALENDAR 2023Dig out a special crystal stone on every day, The 24-day countdown to Christmas is an exciting time for children.Treasure for 24 Days-Every day before Christmas, children open a panel to show off a special kind of rock, mineral, fossil or gem With this Christmas countdown calendar, they can start a rock collection that they can enjoy all year round??PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR BOYS/ADULTS/GIRLS/KIDSRAMXCION Rock and mineral collection is a popular hobby. advent calendar rocks, The 24 types of rocks, gems and minerals are the perfect way to inspire children’s lasting love for geology, explore the world and teach them to understand these Fossils, rocks and crystals In a counting calendar box with Santa Claus as the theme, this Christmas toy gift is suitable for boys, girls, children, adults, kids and teenagers.??ENJOYING Share happiness with family and friends anytime, anywhere. The perfect Christmas toy, suitable for children’s birthday party gifts, gifts, daily gifts, school prizes, preschool props, teaching aids, parent-child interaction and holiday gift bags. Christmas gift advance calendar is the best holiday party gift for kids, so enjoy fun game time. 2023 Countdown Christmas Calendars -- Celebrating the arrival of the new year 2024??LEARNING The 2023 Advent Calendar Gift Box helps to understand and identify each kind of rock, christmas advent calendar, gem and mineral in the collection. It can also be a countdown calendar. This blind box contains 24 ores of different colors/shapes. Also for Christmas Home Garden Decoration.

残り 1 7940円

(79 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.03〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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